




名 称:小学三年级英语教学设计

题 目:How old are you?

作 者:唐亚君

单 位:资兴市鲤鱼江完小 Unit 4 How old are you? Liyujiang Primary School Tang Yajun Li Tingzhen

Teaching aims:

1. Learn ten new words one, two, three,four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and two new sentence patterns: How old are you? I ’m seven/eight …

2. Revise three sentences –What ’s your name? My name is… Sit down. And enable the pupils to say them well.

3. Make communication with all the words and sentences in Parts A-C well.

Teaching emphases: 1. New words: one, two, three,four, five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten . 2. Sentence patterns: How old are you? I ’m seven/eight … 3. Improving ability of learning English by themselves

Teaching difficulty: Make communication with all the words

and sentences in Parts A-C well.

Teaching tools: Multi-media,
