四川高考英语模拟练习含答案译文 (42).docx






1.This colour TV is very expensive, but not_______.

1.译文. 这个彩电很贵,而且质量也不太好。 A. so better B. as better C. so well D. as good

答案:D。 so应与形容词原级连用,so good表示质量好,so well只用于表示人身体健康状况时,well是形容词。如:I am feeling well.其他句式中well是副词

2.New York _______ London are two of the largest cities in the world.

2.译文. 纽约和伦敦都是两个世界上最大的城市。 A. Either; or B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also

答案:B。 根据谓语动词判断,应该是both …and..结构。其它几个都是就近一致原则,该用单数。

3.——Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard. _______ his wife.

3.译文. --Mr. Chen是一位老师,工作很努力。--他的妻子也是这样。 A. So does B. Do it C. So it is with D. It is same with

答案:C。 So it is with这是一个固定表达法,专门用来表示和前面的两件事一样的情况。

4.It’s the fifth time ______ late this term.

4.译文. 这是本期你第五次迟到。 A. that you ’ve arrived B. that you arrived C. when you ’ve arrived D. when you arriv
