人教PEP版三年级英语上册《Unit 2 Part A 第二课时》教学课件优秀公开课.pptx





人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册Unit 2 ColoursPart ALet’s learn & Let's doWarm upSing a song: Colour songLead inColoursNew wordsPresentationLearn new wordsLet’s chantblue天空白云飘,red小裙身上穿。 green草地捉蟋蟀,yellow野花遍地开。Let’s matchyellowredgreenPlay a gameWhat colour do you see?Play a gameWhat colour do you see?Play a gameWhat colour do you see?Play a gameWhat colour do you see?Let’s learnListen to the tape and answer.What colour does Wu Yifan see? Red.What colour does Sarah see? Green.Listen again and read after it.I see red.I see green.PracticePlay a game “火眼金睛”blueI see …redyellow and greenLook and sayI see …a green bookI see …a red penI see …a blue bagPoint and sayWhat colours can you see in the classroom?Point and say.I see …Let’s doWatch and follow.Show me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me
