




Hi,every on e!Let me in troduce myself.Let's know each other.

I was born in Lia onin g.Lia oning is a beautiful place.There are many places of in terest in Lia oning.l was born on September,26th .I am a girl.I like traveli ng,readi ng and En glish.Speak ing En glish is very importa nt.lt's very useful for us.We should do our best to learn English.I like making friends,too.I want to make more and more frie nds.Let's be frien ds.Whe n I am free,I usually read books.Much of my life has lived with books.My favorite book is

《Harry Potter》.Harry Potter is a brave,clever boy.I like him very much.Books are very in terest ing.l have great fun in read ing books.

I think I am a happy girl because I have a happy family.My pare nts are very kind of me.They love me and I love them,to o.I
