




It's good to know I can still beat you at something. 很高兴知道 我在某些方面还能赢你 Thanks for the afternoon, Clark. 谢谢你给我这美好的下午,克拉克 Champagne, truffles. 香槟、松露 It wasn't even my birthday. 今天甚至不是我生日 Overkill? No, I loved it. 太夸张了吗? 不,我爱死了 But normally, that kind of romance comes with a tag that says: 但通常那种浪漫都带有讯息 “Sorry, I wrecked your car” or “I accidentally slept with your sister.” 像是〝对不起,我撞坏你的车〞 或是〝我不小心和你妹妹上♥床♥〞 Well, to be honest, Lana, lately you've seemed a little distant. 老实说,拉娜 你最近好像有点疏远 Guess I've been busy. Okay. 我想我是太忙了吧 好 Finally get a chance to make this relationship work. 终于有机会能好好经营我们的感情 It's not a big deal. Just getting used to the new life. 没什么啦 我只是在适应新生活 Lana, I know what this is really about. 拉娜,我知道这是怎么一回事 You do? 是吗? Between my cousin and
