Unit1 Teenage life词汇讲解课件 人教版高中英语必修第一册.pptx





英语释义用法搭配分词形容词一词多义分词形容词confusedrecommend advance, advanced用法、搭配challengeschedule搭配义content一词多义attract搭配义focus 重难点词精讲一词多义debate熟词生义搭配义一:《优化探究》知识点巩固debate1. Even though the law is _____debate now, it will be passed down.2. We are having a _____(heat) debate on the impact of television on children.3. It is a fact beyond/without debate that the employment pressure of graduates is heavy.4. We must debate ___ the rest of the members ___________this qusetion.underheated无可争议about/on/overwith5. I must debate with myself whether I should tell anyone. ~ (with yourself) to think carefully about sth before making a decision 仔细考虑;思考;盘算prefer to like one thing or person better than another; to choose one thing rather than sth else because you like it better 较喜欢;喜欢…多于… 1. I prefer tea ___ coffee.2. I prefe
