




ocusing on way s and means of improving a nd upgradi ng work , further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorise d" created. The township " no una uthori sed" create d the existi ng buildi ng "one house hol d, one document" survey and file storage w ork must be u nconditi onal and full cov erage. Mai n corri dor le ading t o the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up are a of the tow n on both si des must be to create a "no unauthorise d village". According to "five hundre d villages" created and shanty tow ns, v illages, old houses, re construction of ol d pla nt, expa nd create, upgrading creates files, t he real "no unauthorise d village" create d into t he be nefit of the people of ve
