




Thanks. 谢谢 We'll see how far two semesters of French gets me. 我们等着瞧 两学期的法文将有何长进 Just remember, a smile goes a long way. 记得,微笑是最好的沟通方式 Even in Paris. 甚至在巴黎 And to smooth the transition 为了旅途更顺利… Lex, I already have a ticket. I know. 我已经有机票了 I just got you a little upgrade. 我只是让你的票升等 It's open-ended, for whenever you're ready to say goodbye to Smallville. 这是没有期限的票 等你想走再走 This is first class. I can't accept this. You have to. It's a gift. 这是头等舱,我不能接受 你一定要接受,这是礼物 Trust me. 相信我 This is gonna be a year you'll never forget. 这将是你永远难忘的一年 Clark. I didn't mean to interrupt. 克拉克 我不想打扰你们 I didn't know you were here. No. 我不知道你在这里 不 Lex was just giving me some last-minute travel tips. 莱克斯在提供我一些旅行建议 When is the big day? Saturday. 哪一天离开呢? 星期六 I should probably go. 我应该
