




living standards, poor farmers in less tha n complete eliminati on of 4600 Yua n, 8949, 19008. "Five waters r ule": the County inve sted 2.169 billion yua n, similar counties li ne the city's first com plete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in t he cit y, won the provincial r ural sewage treatment w ork better; key pollut on sources such as e lectroplating , pa permaking, chemi cal industry ma nagement thr oug h verification and accepta nce of the municipal governme nt, the County removed Bla ck and odorous River, River wa ste, begi nni ng of river ecologi cal restor ation effects. "Three modified a split" aspect s: County total demoliti on illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, com pleted City i ssue d annual task o
