




living standards, poor farmers in le ss tha n complete elimi nation of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. "Five waters rul e": the County investe d 2.169 bill ion y uan, similar counties li ne the city's first complete the 42 km of sewag e pi pe netw ork constr ucti on, completion rate ra nked first in the city, won the provincial rural se wage treatment work better; key polluti on sour ces such as el ectroplating , pa permaking, chemi cal industry management thr oug h verification and acce ptance of the munici pal gover nment, t he County rem oved Black a nd odorous River, River waste, begi nni ng of river ecologi cal rest oration effects. "Three modified a split" aspe cts: County total demolitio n illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, compl eted City i ssue d annual
