2020年高考英语历年真题合集含答案解析高频考点30题 (5).docx






1 . Has the teacher and writer come out a new book _____?

译文. 那位教师作家最近是否有新作问世? A. in a few weeks B. in the past C. by last month D. recently

答案:D。 副词recently长和现在完成时态连用。

2 . Look! How many mistakes you have made! You must be careful ______.

译文. 你看!你犯了多少错误!你应该从今以后要小心。 A. in future B. in a future C. in the future D. for future

答案:A。 in future 从今以后;in the future在将来。

3 . The students are ______ to hand in the exercises before class.

译文. 希望学生在下课前交作业。 A. hoped B. suggested C. agreed D. wished

答案:D。 wish sb. to do sth. 其他三个动词不能用于这个结构。

4 . The visiting professor _____ giving lectures to students ______ invited to meetings at times.

译文. 来访教授宁愿作讲座而不愿不时地被邀请参加会议。 A. preferred; to being B. preferred to; rather than C. preferred; than being D. preferred; to being

答案:A。 考查句型:prefer doing s
