




Manipulator is now use d as a i ndustrial robots in use , the control objectives often appear often i n industria l automati on. Industrial a utomation technol ogy ha s gradually mature d, as mature a te chnol ogy line has been ra pid development in i ndustrial a utomation as a se parate subje ct. Ma nipulator appli cation began t o filter into wel ding , logisti cs, me cha nical processi ng, and ot her industrie s. Especi ally at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiati on case, r obot in similar circumstances showe d great use al so brings great conve nie nce t o the staff. Precisely be cause of this robot to get people's atte ntion began t o be a high degree of devel opme nt. La bor rates, working conditi ons, labor intensive aspects of promoti ng devel
