




ocusing on ways a nd mea ns of improvi ng and upgradi ng work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorise d" created. The tow nship "no unaut horised" created the existing buildi ng "one household, one document" survey and file st orage work m ust be unconditional and full coverage. Mai n corridor lea ding to the t own (roa d, river) village , the Central built-up area of the town on bot h si des must be to cre ate a "no unaut horise d villag e". According to "five hundre d village s" created and shanty tow ns, villages, old house s, reconstruction of ol d plant, ex pand create, upgra ding creates files, the re al "no unauthorise d village" created i nto the be nefit of the pe opl e of very
