




励志故事英文作文素材 有些同学在写英文作文时会需要用到励志故事来作为作文素材,那么都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。 Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided to hide a huge lump of gold to protect it from bandits and robbers. So he buried it in a nearby rice field. 从前有一个富裕的村庄。村民中最有钱的人决定将一大块金子藏起来以免土匪和强盗来打劫。于是他将那块金子埋在附近的稻田地里。 Many years later, the village was no longer rich, and the rice field was abandoned and unused. A poor farmer decided to plow the field. After some time plowing, it just so happened that his plow struck the long forgotten buried treasure. 许多年后,村子不再像以前那样富裕,稻田地被荒废,没有人再去耕种,一个贫穷的农民决定去犁地。犁了一些地后,犁头恰巧碰到了那块早被人们遗忘的金子。 At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root. But when he uncovered it, he saw that it was beautiful shining gold. Since it was daytime he was afraid to try and take it with hi
