




confere nces, le arne d superi ors poli cies; reports, y ou can learn to deal wit h probl ems, art, just wa nte d to le arn, t o lear n at any time. To continuously expand the scope of t he st udy. The complexity and compre hensiveness of our work , de cided t o not only do we want t o be "professionals", or if "generalists", t o da bbl e in different area s of k nowl edge. Mastery of knowle dge not only to have k nowledge to rati onal analysi s. T his on r equirements we, not only t o lear ning national of route , and approach, and poli cy, also to l earni ng nati onal of legal, and regul ations; not only t o with politi cal the ory armed mind, also to with e conomi c the ory gui de w ork; not only t o rea d hi story, al so t o rea d hi story; not only t o absor ption
