




ocusing on ways a nd mea ns of impr oving and upgrading w ork, further devel opment of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no una uthorise d" created. T he tow nship "no unauthorise d" created the existing buil ding "one household, one document" survey and file storage work m ust be unconditional a nd full coverage. Main corri dor lea ding to t he tow n (road, river) village, the Central built -up area of the tow n on both si des must be to create a "no unaut hori sed village". According to "five hundred villages" created and shanty tow ns, village s, old houses, reconstructi on of old plant, expa nd create, upgradi ng creates file s, the real "no unauthorise d village" create d into the be nefit of the pe opl e of very g
