




ocusing on way s and means of improving and upgra ding w ork, further devel opment of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no una uthori sed" create d. T he tow nship "no unauthorise d" created t he existing buildi ng "one house hol d, one document" survey and file storage w ork must be unconditi onal nd full coverage. M ain corridor lea ding to t he tow n (road, river) village, t he Central built-up area of the tow n on both si des m ust be t o create a "no unaut horised village". According to "five hundred village s" created a nd sha nty towns, villages, ol d house s, reconstructi on of old plant, ex pand create, upgradi ng creates file s, the re al "no una uthori sed v illage" created i nto the be nefit of the people of
