




living standards, poor farmers in less tha n complete elimi nation of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. "Five waters rul e": the County invested 2.169 billi on y uan, similar counties line the city's first com plete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completi on rate ranke d first in the city, won t he provincial r ural sewage treatment w ork better; key poll ution source s such a s ele ctroplati ng, pa permaki ng, chemical i ndustry manageme nt through verificati on a nd acce ptance of the muni cipal g overnme nt, the County removed Bla ck and odorous River, River wa ste, begi nni ng of river ecologi cal restor ation effects. "Three modified a spl it" aspe cts: County total dem olition illegal area up 2.759 milli on square meters, complete d City issue d annual
