




宋代隐士之诗词与酒的关系 谢 辞 在写这篇论文时期 , 我非常感谢为我提供各种帮助的各学科老师和

身边的家人朋友以及同学。在我困难之际 , 我的家人都对我表示极大的

支持 , 并不时的对我进行鼓励 , 同时我在向各位老师寻求帮助时 , 各科的

老师也愿意对我提出很好很多的指导意见和建议 , 并指导我完成论文写

作 , 所 以 在 此 再 次 感 谢 老 师 的 指 导 和 帮 助 。 Abstract The hermit culture is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. It has not been weak since

ancient times. From the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Tao Yuanming, who was not swayed by the five

buckets of rice, to the scholars of the Qing Dynasty during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the literati of

all generations of the dynasty for various reasons. Secluded in the mountains and forests, they are

complacent. They are accompanied by poetry and wine, creating a hermitian culture. The hermit has

carried out a large number of cultural activities outside the temple, and has been competing in various
