




Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big 学习目标 1、熟读单元二的单词并了解其汉语意思 2、读懂理解大峡谷这篇文章,并从中捕获信息 3、复习学过的时态并会应用 Choose one of them to talk about 提示词:(1) The Giant’s Causeway , Northern Ireland , huge , 4000 rocks, with 6 sides, run for , several hundred metres , (2)Victoria Falls, Africa, fantastic, 1700 wide, 100metres high. 1. Have students finish reading words of Unit 2, then read after the teacher. 2. Group leader check up homework(资源评价P9 1-10小题) ,then check the answers in class. 任务1. Do Fast reading and then answer questions. -When did the writer arrive at the grand Canyon? -What was the weather like when the writer arrived? -What did the writer think of the Grand Canyon? -Is the crayon tall or short? 任务3. 小组成员一起依据表格中关于The Great Wall信 息, 对长城进行描述3分钟准备,然后进行展示。 Name The Great Wall Height 7.5 metres
