五年级英语下册Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate four hamburgers外研版 (7).pptx





Module 3;Are you hungry?

Are you hungry?

no no no what did you have for breakfast?

I had fish and a hamburger.

what about you? ;I had for .;-What did you eat last night? -I ate…;-What did you drink last night? -I drank…;eat;He ate all the and . A. meat; bread B. meat; fish C. milk; fish

2. Now he has got . A. lots of food B. some food C. no food

;Listen and chant .;He ate all the and . A. meat; bread B. meat; fish C. milk; fish

2. Now he has got . A. lots of food B. some food C. no food

;Read 2 and answer .;Read2 and answer .;Read2 and answer .;Read2 and learn.;火眼金睛;_____ Daming: Today Sam _____ four hamburgers ___

____ . He ______ hamburgers very much. Lingling ______ a sandwich because she _______ like hamburgers. she _____ her hamburgers _____ Sam. I miss ______ food. ______ Mum ______
