四年级英语下册Module 10 Unit 1 Did you fall off your bike外研版 (3).ppt





thirteen thirty thirsty (口渴的) Then they were hungry and thirsty. So they bought a watermelon. buy bought (购买) Sam carried the watermelon on his bike. carry carried (携带,运送) Sam fell off his bike. fall fell (跌落) The watermelon bumped Daming’s head. bump bumped (碰,磕) 1.What your head, Daming? 2.Oh, Sam and I ____________ ride yesterday . 3.And then we were ______ and _____. 4.Then Sam his bike! happened to went for a bike hungry thirsty fell off 小结: ed, ed 小尾巴, 动词后面跟着它, 如果动作已发生, 千万不要忘了它。 chant “ed” play Yesterday 昨天 today 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Did you fall off your bike? 动词过去式的变法口诀: Yesterday,表过去,要用一般过去式; 规则动词加 ed;有 e 直接加上 d; Talk, talk, talked; Listen, listen, listened; Watch, watch, watched; Phone, phone, phoned. 不规则的特殊记,are 变 were; am/is 变 was; do/does 变 did。 talk
