四年级英语下册Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday外研版 (2).pptx





Module 9 Unit 2;;Travel all over the world.;;;;;;;;;;Where did he go?;1. Did he have a nice holiday?

2. Where did he go?

3. What did he do there?

4. Did he see his friend Lili? Why?

;1. Did he have a nice holiday?

2. Where did he go?

3. What did he do there?

4. Did he see his friend Lili? Why?

;四人;Did you have a nice holiday?

Yes, I went to Beijing.

Did you go by train?

No, I went by plane.

Did you visit the Great Wall?

Yes, I did.;A: I went to last year.

B: Did you travel by ?

A: Yes, I did. \ No, I didn’t. I went there by . ;Work in groups of 4.

Did you go to ? Yes, I did.\ No, I didn’t.

Where did you go? I went to .

3. How did you go there? We went there by .

4.Who did you go with? With my .

5. How was your trip? It was great.

;Home work

Read the text three times.

Write the key words.

