Lucky Bastard《爱后余生(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx





丹尼尔 Daniel. 我要走了 I'm leaving. 嗯 我开车送你去机场 Okay, I'll drive you to the airport. 不用不用 我打车去 No, no, no, I called a cab. 你不是说要我送... I thought you said you wanted me to drive you... 不用 我自己去就行 No, I changed my mind. 但你之前... But didn't you say 不用了 No. 丹尼 Danny. 好好考虑我昨晚的话 I want you to think about what I said last night. 你懂我的意思 You know what I want. 谢谢 谢谢 我这就出发 Thanks, thanks, I'll be right out. 我现在还没头绪 I can't think right now. 丹尼 Danny. 你知道我是爱你的 Hey, you know I love you. 有空仔细想想 You're going to have to think about that sometime. 特别的日子又到了 Sometime is coming up. 生日快乐 Happy birthday. 天哪 等等 Oh man, hey wait. 谢谢你还记得 Thanks for remembering. 当然了 Sure. 我喜欢那张新椅子 I like the new chair. 那张椅子不错 Yeah, it's good. 比之前那张好看多了 It's much more visual than the last one. 是吧? Think
