




最佳展出 致 圣诞老人 雷吉娜 我要出发了 Regina, I am prepared to depart. 带上我的展览项目 Have my project brought up. 好的 温拿少爷 Yes, Mr. Wenan. 杀死圣诞老人 比利 我刚刚得知 Billy, I just got word 你父亲不会和我们一起过圣诞节了 that your father will not be joining us for Christmas. 我懂的 宝贝 Oh, I know, sweetie. 因为 工作的事 It's... his work. 很不幸 It's unfortunate. 我还很期待见到约翰呢 I was really looking forward to seeing John. 很抱歉我没办法在现场陪你 I'm sorry that I won't be able to be there for you today. 没关系 奶奶 It's okay, Grandma. 过来 Come here. 你知道这里加点什么更好看吗 You know what would look good here? 再加一枚奖章 Another ribbon. 把冠军奖章带回家 比利 Bring home the blue, Billy. 我会的 奶奶 I will, Grandmother, 因为赢家就是这么做的 because that's what winners do. 真是我的好孩子 Oh, that's my boy. 之后我们就给你父亲发张照片 And we'll send a picture to your father afterwards. 小乖乖可以帮我要杯牛奶吗
