Did You Hear About the Morgans《蒸发的摩根夫妇(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx





你好 我是梅丽尔·摩根 Hi. You've reached Meryl Morgan. 我现在不能接电♥话♥ I can't take your call right now, 请给我留言 一天愉快 谢谢 so leave a message and have a great day. Thanks. 你好 是我 你的丈夫 Hello. It is me, your husband. 至少纽约政♥府♥认定 At least, legally still your husband, 我仍旧是你的合法丈夫 as recognized by the state of New York. 我们总不能跟州长说理去吧 And, in the end, who are we to argue with the governor? 我给你打电♥话♥打声招呼 I wanted to call and just say hello, 因为马上要到 as it is approaching the three-month 我们分居三个月的纪念日了 anniversary of our being separated, 我觉得 也许我们该见个面 And I thought, perhaps it might be nice to get together, 要知道 像这样机会 As, you know, occasions like this 一生只有一次 only come around once in a lifetime. 还有...对了 我看到 And... oh, yes! And I saw the cover of 纽约杂&
