初中英语_Module 9 Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.教学课件设计.ppt





Smiling 同学们,这节课我为你们精心准备了七关(round)每关为你们准备了数量不等的笑脸共28 颗,欢迎你们来摘取。 活动规则为:每关全答对的得奖,否则不能得奖。这节课结束后我们将评出一个得奖数最多的“冠军组”和得奖最多的“超级明星”。你们将会获得一份意想不到的礼物。Let’s see who is the best? 活动规则 green beautiful quiet traffic crowded busy 知识目标:识记单词和短语:village, quiet, crowded, traffic population , rubbish,busy…. 能力目标: 1 能根据文本信息,合理处理问 题。 2 能就所学知识改写课文。 情感目标:增强环保意识,引导学生爱护环境 Fast reading When you’re reading don’t read the sentences one by one,please read quickly and pay attention to the key words PartⅠ (para1) PartⅡ (para2-3) Part Ⅲ (para4) PartⅣ (para5) B The past life of Parkville. A The views( 现状)of Parkville today. C Whether your hometown has the same problem. D The problems that Arnwick meet. Fast reading (Read the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph.) Round 2 Read para1-3carefully,then finish the f
