中考化学总复习 第二部分 专题复习 高分保障 专题1 气体的制取与净化课件 新人教版 (60).pptx





第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石

;第 16 讲 Module 7-Module 8;要点梳理过关;高频考点精讲; ;考点 3 辨析 everyday与every day;考点 4 be pleased to do sth.和alive的用法;【拓展】 辨析 alive,living,live与lively;What does HAS stand for?HAS代表什么? M8 P64;考点 6 No way的用法;考点 7 set up的用法; ;【拓展】 辨析 suffer from与suffer;关联语法链接?

语法:被动语态(一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态) 见P117;考点即时运用;4.[考点4]He is the only person ____ in his family after the earthquake.

A.alive B.living C.live D.lively

5.[考点1]—I want to buy the book if I have three days.How much is it?

—I am not sure.____ forty yuan.

A.May be B.Maybe

C.Must be D.Can be

6.[考点6]—Will you marry him?

—____!I don’t love him at all.

A.No problem B.No way

C.No,thanks D.You’d better not;7.[考点7]—What should we do for the disabled children in the Children’s Home?

—You’re supposed to ____ a study group to help them.

A.take up B.fix up

