The Con Is On《英国佬来了(2018)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx





你♥他♥妈♥在这做什么? 伊琳娜呢? What the fuck you doin' here? Where's Irina? 她叫我来的 She sent me instead. 我们验验货 Let's look at the package. 把这个给伊琳娜 别搞砸了 Give this to Irina and don't fuck it up. 他妈的几点了 你去哪儿了? It's about fuckin' time. Where the hell you been? 我在教堂 你好 亲爱的 - 你好 亲爱的 I was at church. Hello, darling. - Hello, darling. 怎么样? How'd it go? 看起来不错 I see it went well. 伊琳娜会满意的 - 绝对的 Irina will be pleased. - Very. 来一杯吗? - 只要一小杯 Fancy a bump? - Just a tiny one. 我可能要借点儿钱 伊琳娜不差那一两千 Maybe I'll borrow a little cash. Irina won't miss a grand or two. 一起吧? May I? 嗨 帅哥 Hi there, handsome. 你叫什么名字 宝贝? What's your name, sexy? 滚开 Fuck off. 好吧 伙计 All right, mate. 好吧 伙计 All right, mate. 哈利 Harry. 我们降落了吗? - 不 他妈还没降落 Have we landed? - No,
