





宝界终端准入管理系统产品解决方案 V2.11 marketing strict internal cost control, busi ness a nd i nnovation

performance. --Incre asing el ectri city access, price i ncrea se, ele

ctricity supply is guara nteed. In 2012, the company with coal i

nventor y, get rewards of Jiangsu provi ncial g overnme nt pow er to

266 milli on k Wh. T hrough the "small" and bilateral trade, access t

o electri city 1.695 billi on k Wh, seeki ng removal com pensation

whe n the pow er 50 million-k ilowatt, 116% market share in Jiangsu

Provi nce ranke d first in the same capacity, the same type unit s.

Company closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and Aug ust

20 respe ctively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 poi nts,

profitability increase d significa ntly. 公 ... Job grading,

remuneration of labour a
