




What’s in the box? What’ s this? It’s a toy car. Bobby看到礼物时说了什么? How nice! Thank you! clown a toy car 自读故事,找找这三个好朋友分别送了什么礼物给Bobby? 小狗是什么礼物呢,可以发挥想象! Letter time Watch the cartoon and find the letters. Let’s write K G q Dd n r L X P OQD bd hk j ef VC w CD SXZ I Mbd Mjl MNL PEF POQ 不明飞行物,飞碟 快速公交 国际求救信号 自动取款机 外星人 贵宾 大写字母一二格, 顶天立地是原则; 小写字母很有趣, 上面有“辫”一二格; 下面有“尾”二三格; 无“辫”无“尾”中间格; j字母占三格, i,t中上一格半; 对照课本认真练,养成书写好习惯。 Homework Read the story and recite. Copy the new letters. Unit 8 Happy New Year! 第4课时 Checkout time&Ticking time Say what you see. 听力原文 Listen and choose 1 —What's that? —It's a robot. —What colour is it? —It's black. 2 —What's this? —It's a toy car. —What colour is it? —It's green. 3 —What's that? —It's a doll. —What colour is it? —It's
