陕旅六年级下册 Unit 8 第四课时.pptx





优质精选小学课件报告;;Sum-up;Presentation;become a tour guide;请在此输入您的大标题;Presentation;请在此输入您的大标题; It was a sunny day.The chicken was jumping up and down a short wall. “What are you doing?”the dog asked. “I'm jumping high.I want to fly like my father,”answered the chicken. “Your father can fly?”the dog was surprised. “No,but he always hoped to do that,”said the chicken.

;Answer the questions; The chicken was jumping up and down a short wall. 这只小鸡跳到了矮墙上。;The little kangaroo is jumping up and down the ground.; The dog was surprised.

这只小鸡很惊讶。;Mike was very surprised he got the first in the 100-meter race. ;Talk in groups;请在此输入您的大标题;Read and complete the sentences;Class meeting ;;;请在此输入您的大标题;

;Homework;Thank you!;
