仁爱版八下英语Unit 5 Topic 1 Section D 课件.ppt





初中仁爱版八年级下册 Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 Section D 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. Who ____ (扮演) the role of Maria? 2. The Sound of Music is one of ___ ___________ (最流行) American movies. plays How much the most popular Review 3. She went to ___ ___ (关心, 照顾 ) a family with seven children. 4. Maria was able to ____ __ (使……振奋起来) the family by teaching them __ ____(唱) lively songs and perform short, funny plays. 5. __ ____ (起先, 开始 ) she taught in a small school in a village. care for cheer up At first to sing How many main roles are there in Beijing Opera? Do you know? sheng dan jing chou ( F ) 1.Beijing Opera came into being in 1790. ( T ) 2.Wusheng and Huadan are roles in Beijing Opera. ( F ) 3.Its stories are from Xipi and Erhuang. ( T ) 4.People make peace and they are usually happy at the end of each o
