新译林版英语九年级上册第一单元StudySkills and Task.ppt





Homework 1. Write a letter to your teacher to recommend a classmate for a position in your class. 2. Do the writing exercises in Learning English. 3. To preview Colours on page 20. 4. To preview the new words and expressions. Sample writing Dear Mr Wang, We are writing to recommend Cheng Lan as our new monitor. We think she would be an excellent monitor because she has many strong qualities for this position. Cheng Lan is active and confident. She is never shy and likes talking to people. She is not afraid of speaking in front of a lot of people either. This is an important quality for a good monitor. Cheng Lan is also hard-working. She always finishes all her homework early and does some extra work, so she would have the time and energy to be a monitor. Another important point is that she
