




Task 1 :listen and do B1 Listen to the tape and find the rhyming words . 归纳每段中的韵脚。如:snow – grow Some words in a poem often rhyme , let’s help Millie complete the sentences . Snow rhymes with . Away rhymes with . Bright rhymes with . Flowers rhymes with . Days rhymes with . Pool rhymes with . Brown rhymes with . Crops rhymes with . Begin rhymes with . Do B3 Let’s help Shirley find the mistakes and correct the answers . Task 3 Read the poem , feel the four seasons . Think over : What can you see in each season ? Which season is about spring \autumn ? Help Millie match each season with the descriptions in the poem . (Do B2) Task 4 Activities Read the poem and choose your favourite season to discuss with your partner , then show yourself . Help Millie complete the article . (Do B4 ) * * * Read
