unit6--the making of a surgeon实用教学课件 PPT.ppt





Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon Dr. Nolen The importance of self-confidence intern resident Surgeon Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon what do these three words mean? 实习医师 住院医师 外科医生 What are their responsibilities? intern Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon to “make rounds” with other doctors; to visit hospital patients; to help give special treatments and answer emergency calls in the hospital at any time of day and night. resident Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon learns by observing the work of others; assists experienced surgeons during operations; In an emergency, he may take over the work of the staff surgeon; the resident has much more responsibility than the intern. What are their responsibilities? Chief resident Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon A resident who is pleting his / her residency perio
