四年级英语下册课件-Module 6 Unit 2 Was it a big city then(5)-外研版(三起)(共45张PPT).pptx





;am,is,-was. are-were;;;Is it sunny in London;Was it sunny in london yesterday;now yesterday;Is was;It’s very cute now.;Was it cute then?;Yes,it was very cute

then.;Was it cute then?;My house ;Was it ___then?;It was small .my grandparents ,my parents,

and my daughter were in this house then ,we

Were very happy.;is it ____now?;clean;It isn’t very big,but it’s very beautiful and new.I and my daughter are in this house now.we are happy too.;My studens;Were they ____then?;They were very clever then.;Are they ______now?;They are more clever now.;;Where is linggling’s grandpa?;He’s in Shenzhen.;How about shenzhen now?;Shenzhen is a big city.

It’s very beautiful and

very modern(现代化).;How about Shenzhen then?

Was it a big city too?

Was it clean?

Was it_____?;Shenzhen was a small .

It’s very ,it wa
