人教版四年级下册 Unit6 Shopping A Let's spell.ppt





Unit 6 Shopping A Let’s spell car arm father mother bird girl fork horse homework world map nurse hamburger Let’s chant. I am “ar”. I’m in car. I’m in arm. I say/a:/, /a:/, /a:/. I am “er”. I’m in father. I’m in mother. I say/?/, /?/, /?/. I am “or”. I’m in fork. I’m in horse. I say/? :/, /? :/, /? :/. I am “or”. I’m in homework. I’m in world map. I say/?:/, /?:/, /?:/. I am “ir”. I’m in bird. I’m in girl. I say /?:/, /?:/, /?:/. I am “ur”. I’m in nurse. I’m in hamburger. I say/?:/, /?:/, /?:/. Can you read? The ball is on the tall wall. Let’s blend it! er ir ar or ur al h t Guess the riddle!(猜谜语) What is in the middle(中间的 of the world? r card Sharp eyes dinner nurse girl people computer wall little world homework little people Can you read? The people have an apple on the table. ble table
