




商务英语口语BEC考试常用谚语及惯用语 Every Tom, ___ and Harry. *不管张三李四 *男女都可用 My daughter had a homestay in America. 我 ___为体验当地生活,去美国了 --So did every Tom, ___ and Harry. 不管谁都能去啊 I like ___y girls. --So does every Tom, ___ and Harry. 无论谁都是这样的。 Out of the frying pan into the fire. *一波未平一波又起. I live to eat. 舍名求实. Every dog has his day. 瞎猫碰上了死耗子. Everyone has good days. Everyone gets lucky sometimes. Speak of the devil. *说曹操,曹操到. Speak of the devil. *常用于口语中 Here es John! Love is blind. *情人眼里出西施. Kill two birds with one stone. *一举两得 No news is good news. 不闻凶讯便是吉 Time flies. *光阴似箭。Tim flies=Time flies when you are having fun. Time is money. 时间就是金钱. Jack of all trades, ___ster of none. 百艺不如一艺精 Look before you leap. 三思而后行 Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见、眼见为实 There is no ___oke without fire.无风不起浪 Honesty is the best pol
