




Limited 有限公司 Risk Analysis report 风险分析报告

Product (产品):

Type/Model (型号):

Effective date (有 5/24/2018-5/23/2019

效期) :

Document No. (文

件编号) :

Version (版本): A0

Department( 部门 ): Technical Department (工程部 ) Made 编制 Check 审核 Approval 批准 Page 1 of 46

Contents 内容

1 Foreword 前言 3

2 Scope 范围 3

3 Application information 适用信息 3 3.1 Policy, directive and standard 政策,指令和标准 3 3.2 The information of product 产品信息 4 3.3 Other source of information 其他资源信息 4 3.4 Team of risk management 风险管控小组 4 3.5 Instruction of product 产品指导 5

4 Risk analysis 风险分析 5 4.1 Risk analysis procedure 风险分析过程 5 4.2 Intended use/intended purpose and identification of characteristics related to the 5 safety 适用范围 / 预期目的以及安全相关的特征分辨 4.3 Identification of known or foreseeable hazards and Estimation of the risk(s) for 9 each hazard 已知或可预见的风
