三年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Fruit Practices & Song & Activities粤人版(共18张PPT).pptx





PracticesSongActivitiesStart to read Let's checkLet's singUnit 4 Fruit 单元新知DBACPractice 1Listen and number.1243听力原文1. Gogo: What are these? Jenny: They're cherries.2. Boy: Are these pears? Girl: Yes, they are.3. Gogo: Are these strawberries? Jenny: No, they aren't. They are watermelons.4. Xiaofang: What are these? Ben: They're oranges. I like oranges.Practice 1Listen and number.ACBDPractice 2Your turn! Listen and answer.Are these cherries?What are these?听力原文A. What are these?B. What are these?C. Are these cherries?D. Are these cherries?Practice 2Your turn! Listen and answer.What are these?What are these?They are pears.Pears, pearsWhat are these?They are pears.Pears, pearsAre they green?Yes, they are.Are they pink?No, they aren’t.They are green pears.SongListen and
