




08 年 1 月学位考试题 British previous colonial policies led to the spread of English across the world. This wide use of English has been reinforced by the sweeping influence of the U.S.. However, the dominance of English as an international language is considered both a blessing and a curse. 英国先前奉行的殖民政策导致了英语在全球的普 及。美国无处不在的影响又加剧了英语的广泛使 用。但是,英语作为国际语言的霸主(统治)地 位既是福(好事),也是祸(坏事)。 ? For one thing, it has accelerated the extinction of some language. People have been wondering about the possibility of creating a global language which might hold promises for an end to language- caused troubles and conflicts. ? 只举其一,它加速了一些语言的灭绝。人们 一直在想是否有可能创造一种世界(全球) 语言,从而有望结束那些语言引起的麻烦和 冲突。 ? Unfortunately, attempts to harmonize world languages have met with little success as a result of the reluctance of native speakers of
