英语外研必修第一册Unit 6 starting out and understanding ideas.pptx





Unit 6 At one with nature Starting out and understanding ideas[learning objective]1. To learn the basic information about the Longji Rice Terraces.2. To learn how to summarize an expositioncatch the topic sentence and form the main idea of each paragraph in your own words.3. To learn the spirit of working in harmony with nature for sustainable development.Lead—inWhat’s your impression of Venice? In my opinion, Venice is a _______________ city.As far as I am concerned, Venice is a city____________________.Watch a video about Venice Watch a video about Venice and answer the questions.1.What are the problems faced by Venice?2.What influence does the problem have on people’s life there?Venice is faced with the problems caused by water. Saltwater is slowly damaging the bases of Venice’s buildin
