小学(人教PEP)四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Part A课件PPT.ppt





* * * * * My friend PepⅢ Unit3A Let’s learn Find your friends,send flowers. (找朋友,送花朵) Hello, Hello, friend! We are friends! Let’s sing Long long hair, short short hair long long long , short short short She has long hair, he has short hair Long hair long, short hair short (歌曲:两只老虎) Find your friend,and sing together. (和你的朋友一起唱) Strong~ strong~ I’m strong. thin ~thin ~ I’m thin. Is is is, she is strong! Is is is, he is thin! …is thin/strong. … is thin. She is quiet. 1.He/She is 2.He/She has 3.thin 2.long hair 5.quiet 4short hair 1.strong I’m hungry!! 让我们摘苹果,填饱肚子吧 ….is my friend. She/He is…… She/He has….. I have a friend . She is small and white.She has red eyes , and she has long ears . She is rabbit. He’s strong and tall. He has small eyes and big ears. He has short hair and a big mouth. H
