




Unit 3 what are you going to do? Let’s chant: I’m going to buy a book, I’m going to take a look, I’m going to bake a cake, I’m going to walk near a lake. We are going to take a trip. We are going to take a sip. I’m going to outside to play. I’m going to have a good day! Let’s try: Where is she going? How is she going there? Who is she going with? Is she happy? What is she going to buy? I am a girl from Shanghai. I’m so happy. Because I’m going to Beijing on the National Holiday. I’m going by plane with my mom and dad! They are going to buy a new computer for me. I can’t wait! tick or cross: ( ) I’m going to Beijing on the National Holiday. ( ) I’m going by train. ( ) I’m going with my aunt and uncle. ( ) I’m going to have a new computer. √ √ × × Let’s try: Where is she going? How is she go
