小学(人教PEP)六年级英语上册 Unit 6(22)课件PPT.ppt





简历 Name : Chen Jie Food : fish Fruit : apples Color : pink Hobby : singing Birthday : Dec. 18 Today is my birthday. I have a birthday party. My friends Where does … come from ? She/ He/ It comes from…. : I’d like milk. A: Where does … come from ? B: It comes from …. : I’d like orange juice and pork I’d like bread. 面粉 A: Welcome to my party. What would you like? B: I’d like …. A: OK. Where does … B: It comes from …. A:OK. B: I’d like …. A: Welcome to my party. What would you like ? A: Thank you. Dialouge1: Dialouge2: come from? In the party, I eat tasty food . I get some gifts.(礼物) . 猜谜语 1. It goes into the river and stream. It goes into the lake and sea . When it comes , you can see people take the umbrellas . What is it ? It’s the ________. 2. Sometimes it’s white . Sometimes it’s black .
