小学(沪教牛津版)三年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 2(3)课件PPT.ppt





沪教牛津版三年级上册英语 Look, here’s a ladybird! Oh, how nice! lady + bird = ladybird What colour is the ladybird? It’s red and black. Ladybird, ladybird, a ________________________ ladybird. nice/big/small/fat/thin/happy/sad + = It can fly. Fly, fly, the ladybird can fly. Fly, fly, the bird can fly. Fly, fly, the fly can fly. It’s a butterfly. It’s nice. It can fly. What’s this? butter + fly = butterfly Blue butterfly, purple butterfly. One and two. Blue butterfly, purple butterfly. For you and me. + = It’s a butterfly. It’s nice. It’s blue and black. It can fly. How many butterflies? One butterfly. Six butterflies. butterflybutterflies fly baby library boy toy babies flies boys libraries toys I have an ant. I don’t like to eat ants. I like to eat sheep. Ant, ant, I have an ant. Ant, ant, this is an
