八年级英语下册 unit 9 have you ever been to a museum period 3课件 (新版)人教新目标版(2).ppt





学 习 目 标;学 习 重 点;学 习 目 标;预 习 检 测;预 习 检 测;预 习 检 测;预 习 检 测;思 考 探 究;3. whether...or... 是连词,意为“不管还是”,可与or (not) 连用,引导让步状语从句。 I am calling the doctor, ________ you like it _____ not.

4. all year round 意为“一年到头,终年”,相当于all the year.

The workers are busy__________________.

5. whenever 连词,意思是“无论何时;在任何时候”,与 no matter when 同义 Come and visit me _____________ you want.; 类似的词还有: whatever = no matter what however= no matter how wherever= no matter where;请根据课本2b短文内容填空。 Singapore is a safe place to take a holiday. Every year, 1.____________ tourists from China come to Singapore 2.______________ ,more than three quarters of the population 3.___ Chinese, so you can speak Putonghua a lot of time. On the other hand, Singapore is an 4.______________ country, so it’s also a good place to practice your English. In
