语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 10《Sports》ppt课件3.ppt





Why do people still think of running a marathon? As Coubertin once said, “The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning, taking part.” They keep their bodies fit by running. 保持健康 通过 正如 认为,考虑 They take part in a marathon race to show their strength and will, and in their lives, they will keep and develop the spirit of Marathon, “Keep on, never give up.” 他们参加马拉松比赛来展现他 们的力量和意志 在他们的生活中,他们会保持和 发扬马拉松精神 坚持下去,永不放弃 They take part in a marathon race to show their strength and will, and in their lives, they will keep and develop the spirit of Marathon, “Keep on, never give up.” 参加 放弃 HOMEWORK The End Thank you for watching! Origin: 马拉松原为希腊的一个地名。在雅典东北30公里。其名源出腓尼基语marathus,意即“多茴香的”,因古代此地生长众多茴香树而得名。体育运动中的马拉松赛跑就得名于此。希腊波斯战争(公元前492-前449年)中,公元前490年,波斯王大流士一世渡海西侵,进击阿蒂卡,在距雅典城东北的马拉松海湾登陆。雅典军奋勇应战,在马拉松平原
