




History of Writing Implements - Over 6000 Years

Around 4000 BC

Man scratches the surface of moist clay tablet or bones and shells of animals with a bronze, stone or bone tool.

Around 3000 BC

The Egyptians developed a form of writing with pictures. For writing on papyrus scrolls scribes used thin reed brushes or reed pens.

About 2000 BC

Chinese developed brushes made of the hair of mice.

1300 BC

The Romans have been developing form of writing, that they scribed into thin sheets of wax (on wooden tablets). Romans used a metal stylus. When they no longer needed the writing, they rubbed it out with the flat end of stylus.

In Asia scribes used a bronze stylus.

Dark Ages

As well as writing on parchment, the Anglo-Saxons also used tablets filled with wax for notes and for planning the layout of l
